Acomms enterprises

Harare, Zimbabwe

0774 648 888

acomms Private Limited is duly incorporated company, precisely the company was incorporated in 2005. Thus the company was born at a time when there are economic hardships both at the individual level and corporate level. As a company born in such a period of economic recession and managing its existence in such an infancy period shows that the managers of this networking ship are determined and perseverant in their endeavor to see the growth of acomms Private Limited in the I.C.T industry. In order to diversify, rebrand, reenergize and re invigorate our share in the Zimbabwe I. C .T sector we have re incorporate the company from acomms communications to acomms Enterprises (pvt) ltd. 0n the 23/03/17. The reason that the country has registered large scale company closure has not deterred acomms from claiming its stake in the I.C.T industry having done projects for such clients like
This track record thus speaks volumes about how this young company has grown bigger than its birthday, no surprise because some babies grow faster!! Through I.C.T growth is always faster. acomms is founded not only on an aim to accomplish great things, but we also dream and plan great things furthermore we believe we can always get an A grade in I.C.T Solutions hence our name acomms

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Posted in Cellphones & Accessories in Zimbabwe, Communication Systems & Equipment in Zimbabwe, Computer Equipment & Consumables in Zimbabwe, Computer Networking Companies in Zimbabwe and Computers & Electronics Companies in Zimbabwe

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