Furniture manufacture in railway sleeper.
Visited 1623 times, 3 Visits today
8 Austin Road, Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 4 669216, +2634669217 , +263 4 885652
Furniture manufacture in railway sleeper.
Visited 1623 times, 3 Visits today
Posted in Furniture companies in Zimbabwe and Industry & Manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe
+263 (242) 748118, +263 (242) 748120, +263 (242) 775814
18005 Dhlela Way, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Automotive Companies in Zimbabwe and Industry & Manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe
+263 73 796313, +263 712 728 559, 0773 276 629
80 Kenneth Kaunda Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Badge Manufacturers in Zimbabwe and Industry & Manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe
(0242) 761161 / 62
Kelvin Corner, 2 Cripps Road, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Automotive Companies in Zimbabwe and Industry & Manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe