NEXT to Mugg & Bean Restaurant, Opposite New FOOD lovers SuperMarket, NEW BLOCK 3, Suite HB, Shop 1 Upstairs, Sam Levy's Village, Borrowdale Road, Harare, Zimbabwe

(0242) 886340/2/3, 0782 210 210, 0716 092 459, 0772 430 647

Borrowdale Dental Surgery is a modern dental surgery which utilizes a small team approach to patient care, maximizing on patient comfort and convenience. Its emphasis is on TREATMENT BY APPOINTMENT (except in emergency/dental pain situations), with major emphasis on preventive and Interceptive Family Dental Care on a continuing basis. It is located in the western suburb of Borrowdale, within SAM LEVY VILLAGE-a ultra modern shopping complex with serene coffee shops, restaurants and grocery supermarkets. The Small clinician team approach allows coverage of most aspects of general dentistry, including services for orthodontic treatment, crown and bridge, dental hygiene, root canal treatments etc.

OUR NURSES: Diana, Bella & Kudzi

OUR DENTISTS: Dr Bobby Ivanov, Dr Cyrille Harry, Dr Farayi Shakespeare

OUR DENTAL Therapist/Hygienist: Irene Kuda Moyana (Mrs).

BORROWDALE DENTAL SURGERY focuses on ORTHODONTICS, TOOTH WHITENING and all aspects of general dentistry. It is a modern dental surgery utilizing an INTEGRATED clinician team approach to patient care, maximizing on patient comfort and convenience. Its philosophy is centered on continuing dental care with strong emphasis on regular and periodic dental checkups/short re-call appointments for surveillance to eliminate or minimize preventable dental pain and tooth loss. TREATMENT is BY APPOINTMENT (except in emergency/dental pain situations). It is located in the western suburbs of Borrowdale, within SAM LEVY’s VILLAGE-an ultra-modern shopping complex with serene coffee shops, restaurants and grocery supermarkets. The Integrated team approach allows coverage of most aspects of general dentistry, including services for orthodontic treatment, crown and bridge, dental implants, dental hygiene, Tooth whitening, root canal treatments etc.

MOTTO: ” Because we value your smile!”.

CHECK PHRASE: We try by all means to live up to our NAME.

VALUES & BELIEFS: A smile says a thousand words, Quality as a way of life, Service to human kind through Dental care. 


Focuses on Orthodontics, dental implants, child dentistry, crown and bridge, root canal treatments, aesthetic dentistry, oral surgery, tooth extractions, dentures, all aspects of general dentistry, etc

Dr Farayi Shakespeare Moyana is an Honorary tutor in the school of Dental Therapy and Technology under the Ministry of Health and Child Care in Zimbabwe. In addition to that he is involved in bioethics/Health law/research ethics continuing education training to multidisciplinary settings. He is an independent dental provider with a special interest in ORTHODONTICS, Implants, Applied Medical Ethics and Health Law but undertakes all aspects of general dentistry. Has been involved in dentistry for the past 30 years (12 of these as a civil service dental therapist and 2 years as a dental practitioner for Premier Services Medical Aid Society-PSMAS), starting at a tender age of 19 years when he obtained a dental therapist diploma in 1987.He works at Medical Chambers dental & BORROWDALE Dental Surgeries.

In 1990 he obtained a Health Teachers Diploma (Sponsored by the German Agency for International Cooperation, DSE) and embarked on a 6-year career as a dental therapy tutor. He attended tutorials for an Advanced qualification in Dental Auxiliary pedagogy from the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST), Canada in 1991. By the time he left for SA to pursue a Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree he had acquired another diploma and a Bachelor’s degree in Adult Education from the University of Zimbabwe. In 2002 he graduated with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery degree (BDS) from the Medical University of South Africa, now renamed Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU), and a Master of Public Health (MPH) and MBA degrees from the Universities of Limpopo and Zimbabwe, in 2008. He was conferred with a Post-Graduate Diploma in orthodontics from the University of Pretoria in 2010. He is also a proud recipient of the Exec Management Diploma organized jointly by the DFID and Zimbabwe MOH in 1996. In 2011 he attended a Level 2 Advanced training course in Orthodontics in DELHI, India under the Indian Academy of Orthodontics.

In 2014 he was conferred with a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Research Ethics from the Center for Medical Ethics & Law, Tygerberg Hospital, Stellenbosch University (SU), famous for being the first to carry out a penis transplant. He has completed the prestigious Postgraduate course in dental implants at the University of Pretoria. His MPhil (Applied Ethics, at SU) topic: A System in Crisis: Ethical Concerns in Zimbabwean Healthcare in the 21st Century. His working research proposal topic for a PhD in Bioethics and Health Law, at Wits School of Clinical Medicine, Steve Biko Centre for Bioethics is: Access to Health Care in Zimbabwe is on a ‘slippery slope’: A normative analysis of the ethico-legal challenges.He is a member of the Executive Council of the Zimbabwe Dental Association (ZIDA). He is also a member of the Research Ethics Association of Southern Africa (REASA). He has recently complete an advanced Straight WIRE therapy/ ORTHODONTIC training course based on the DELTA FORCE principles, in SA under the CLINICAL Foundation OF Orthodontics (CFO) based in TEXAS, USA.

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