Clorpeace Foods

3 Ballater Close, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263774111102/4, +263713423100

Clorpeace Foods Investment is a food manufacturing company registered under the company’s act and is certified as a food manufacturing establishment by City Environmental Health Department in the Municipality of Harare the regulatory body under the Ministry of Health and Child Welfare. In addition, our products are certified by World Vision.

Clorpeace Foods Investment manufacturers packaged processed food products using milling and extrusion cooking technologies, in an automated processing plant with semi-automated packing of the final product.

Clorpeace products are mainly targeted for the NGO sector as nutritional supplementary foods formulated and manufactured as per customer requirements and its branded products supplied to the general public through registered distributors and its distribution outlets.

Clorpeace input suppliers and service providers are established corporates and upcoming entrepreneurs who have unique skills and knowledge of the specialized technologies and materials used in product processing. Clorpeace, supports small holder farmers as part of its contribution towards poverty reduction by providing a market for their grain and seed oil produce.

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Posted in Industry & Manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe

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