Coghlan Welsh & Guest

Cecil House 2 Central Ave, Harare, Zimbabwe

0242 704 933

The firm of Coghlan,Welsh and Guest has been in practice in Zimbabwe under its present name since 1911 and since the 1890’s under its predecessors in practice. With effect from the 1st January 2005 the smaller long-standing firm of Stumbles & Rowe merged with Coghlan, Welsh & Guest . The merged firm is one of the largest law partnerships in Zimbabwe measured by the number of professionally qualified staff. There are ten partners whose academic qualifications are as per the attached list, two consultants and supporting professional and accounting, secretarial and administration staff. The firm’s complement of partners and staff presently numbers seventy-two. Separate from the partnership but owned by it is an executor and trustee company which, inter alia, looks after the estates and trust work of the partnership.
The firm carries on all aspects of legal work including advice and documentation relating to company and commercial law work, mergers, demergers, acquisitions, Stock Exchange listings, company reconstructions, major foreign investments in Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe Investment Authority applications, Tariff and Competition Commission applications, Exchange Control applications, taxation matters, price controls, loans and leases, sale and purchase agreements and hiring and hire purchase agreements, mining, litigation, criminal matters, notarial work, property and conveyancing (including property transfers and bonds), information technology, environmental compliance, good corporate governance matters, deceased estates, labour law, patents, copyright and trade marks, air law and domestic and matrimonial matters. It includes amongst its clients many of the biggest companies operating in Zimbabwe, statutory corporations, and international organizations and certain embassies.

The firm maintains a single central office in Harare and utilizes correspondent firms elsewhere in this country for such work as cannot be handled from Harare. It has close relations with major law firms in South Africa, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. It has also acted for law firms in other countries within the SADC region and overseas.

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Posted in Legal Service Companies in Zimbabwe and Specialist Services in Zimbabwe

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