Emerald Hill Children’s Home

38 Dorset Road East, Emerald Hill, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 (0) 242 336044, +263 772 231 687, +263 772 379 486

Emerald Hill Children’s Home is a home for orphaned and other vulnerable children, located at the summit of Emerald Hill in Zimbabwe’s capital city, Harare. Since 1914, the Roman-Catholic Dominican Sisters have provided shelter for children in need.

Today, the home cares for the physical and spiritual well-being of about 90 children aged 3 to 20. The children come from a variety of difficult backgrounds, many of them having been abandoned by their parents or having gone through traumatic experiences of neglect, emotional and physical abuse, including sexual abuse. 

Apart from providing food and shelter, Emerald Hill actively focuses on the emotional healing of its children through Christian spirituality in daily life, the engagement of social workers and counsellors, and a number of other creative offers.

After completing their primary education, the boys move to St. Joseph’s House for Boys, Belvedere, Harare, while the girls stay until they finish their education; furthermore, they are assisted with job training to become self-sufficient.

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