Greenbay Technologies

Avenues, Harare, Zimbabwe

0772 423 888

Greenbay Technologies (Private) Limited, hereinafter referred to as Greenbay Technologies is a wholly owned Zimbabwean company providing specialist Engineering Services. The company takes full cognisance of the dynamic and complex nature of the world that we live in today and thus it is involved in providing world-class products, solutions and consultancy in the fields of industrial controls, standard drives and automation, energy management systems, fuel handling and storage management systems, mining monitoring and control systems and modern manufacturing systems support services. The company was registered in Zimbabwe on the 14th of October 2004. Among Greenbay Technologies’ primary objectives is to render professional services in all its business activities and to operate a diversified business enterprise in order to create employment opportunities for the communities and populations in the area that we do business in. The company will however make use of any other expertise irrespective of sex, colour, race, nationality or religion. 

Greenbay Technologies supplies, installs, calibrates, commissions, repairs, maintains and provides training of all electrical, electronic, hydraulic and pneumatic devices, systems and components.

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Posted in Energy Solution Companies in Zimbabwe and Specialist Services in Zimbabwe

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