Greenline lodge is a neat and exquisite place fround on the 87km peg along Harare-Bindura road. It is located north east of Harare, approximately 4 km from Bindura town center.
Visited 2413 times, 2 Visits today
ASA Greenline lodge, Bindura, Zimbabwe
+263 772 414 887, +263 772 411 258/9
Greenline lodge is a neat and exquisite place fround on the 87km peg along Harare-Bindura road. It is located north east of Harare, approximately 4 km from Bindura town center.
Visited 2413 times, 2 Visits today
Posted in Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe and Lodges in Zimbabwe
0773 848 027
86 Selous Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe and Hotels in Zimbabwe
Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe, Audio Visual Companies in Zimbabwe, Casinos in Zimbabwe, Computers & Electronics Companies in Zimbabwe, Conference Facilities in Zimbabwe and Places & Entertainment in Zimbabwe
(024) 2704501
54 Park Lane, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe and Hotels in Zimbabwe