For all your linen Requirements As well as Professional Suppliers to the Hospitality Industry.
Visited 1263 times, 1 Visit today
134 Fife Street,Cnr 14th Avenue CBD Bulawayo ZimbabweBulawayo, Zimbabwe
+263 (292) 63266, +263 (292) 775555808, +263 775 555 809
For all your linen Requirements As well as Professional Suppliers to the Hospitality Industry.
Visited 1263 times, 1 Visit today
Posted in Clothing Stores in Zimbabwe and Shops, Retailers & Wholesalers in Zimbabwe
(0242) 748260 / 61 / 62, (0242) 771351, 0772906327, 0772966280
140 Seke Road, Graniteside, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Bookshops in Zimbabwe and Shops, Retailers & Wholesalers in Zimbabwe
08677104282, 0734162515, 0773795193
Shop CG1 Westgate Shopping Centre, Westgate, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Shops, Retailers & Wholesalers in Zimbabwe and Wholesalers in Zimbabwe
0242 852027
Cnr Stokesay Close & Rolf Avenue Harare, Zimbabwe