Little Children of our Blessed Lady

8 Malvern Road, Waterfalls, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263-242-610385, 0773 305 656

Our spirit is one of cheerful simplicity and humble charity, qualities dear to our founder because they are dear to Christ and to his mother, whose children we are. We reveal this spirit through truly living our poverty, being hardworking and joyful. When in our relations with others, we are approachable.

We have a special concern for women and children, and for those whose needs are greatest, especially in the rural areas. Our charism demands that we continually examine our fidelity to the Lord, our docility to the Holy Spirit, that we carefully discern the signs of the times in today’s needs and that we know and uphold the teachings of the Church .

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Posted in Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Cooperative Societies in Zimbabwe

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