
11 Lezard Avenue, Milton Park Harare, Zimbabwe


+263-4-250717/8, +263-777 774 130

Logicode is a 100% Zimbabwean owned company boasting well over 80 man years’ experience and offering organisations an opportunity to enjoy the latest developments in the technology arena. To date, technology has been accessible but how many organisations have experienced the disappointment of investing massively in ICT’s or ICT solutions, only to have to discard these products with little or no return on investment having been realised? As Logicode, our aim is to come up with a new Vision for the management of ICT solutions and services in such a way that organisations can enjoy the true benefits of, and realise true value from the investments that are being made in ICT products and services.

Through extensive research and analysis on global market trends, we have managed to put together a broad range of products, and we have no doubt that these products will contribute vastly not only to increased levels of efficiency and transparency in the day to day operations of organisations, but they will also significantly affect the bottom line resulting in a true realisation of return on investment made.

Why go with the rest, when you can go with the best? Call Logicode today !

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Posted in Computer Software Companies in Zimbabwe and Computers & Electronics Companies in Zimbabwe

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