
54 Martin Drive, Msasa, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 (242) 480191, (242) 487278, +263 86 7700 4113, +263 712 600 556, +263 773 552 531, +263 775 360 281

Luipardal, formally known as Green Theme, has been manufacturing hotel and guest amenities for the past twelve years. Through our commitment and dedication to our product and our staff we have introduced new innovative ranges that have been regionally recognized & used in many acclaimed hotels.

Our factory & head office is now based in Msasa and our staff compliment has grown from 5 people in 2005 to 45 people today. Our team is committed to quality & consistency. Luipardal is committed to the well being of all its staff members. We adopted a year ago a manufacturing system that assists us in monitoring our raw material requirements, stock control and each and every clients future monthly requirements. This aids us in ensuring we supply the necessary stock to clients when required.

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Posted in Specialist Services in Zimbabwe

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