
No. 533 Hacha Rd, Ruwa, Zimbabwe


Maka Farm is a company registered in the republic of Zimbabwe, but with global links specialising in the installation and repair of irrigation systems as well as the supply and installation of grain and irrigation handling facilities particularly grain dryers. In line with government of Zimbabwe’s current drive of reviving the country’s agriculture industry, Maka stands ready and well equipped to respond effectively and timeously to the needs of farmers across Zimbabwe in respect of irrigation and grain drying.

Maka employs 38 highly skilled engineers and technicians to ensure professional and exceptional service. Together with the combined experience of over 40 years in irrigation that our staff can call on, we offer a comprehensive package to all our customers. Ours is a highly efficient, and motivated team which follows Maka’s philosophy of honesty when dealing with customers.

We are geared to respond to both small and large projects from communities, individuals, private sector, international development partners and the government.

Our interventions an be classified under the following broad categories:

• Water Engineering and Irrigation Services, with a focus on land surveys and pegging out which are performed with high tech Trimble Global Positioning systems, for pinpoint accuracy; the installation and pair of centre pivot irrigation systems; Supply of spares for the irrigation sub-sector.

• Consultancy: provision of consulting services in Agricultural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Water Engineering, Hydro-geology and Project Management.

• Farmer Training: provision of training in agronomy and farming as a business to enable farmers to maximise farm profitability.

• Grain Handling: provision of towable and fixed grain driers.

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Posted in Industry & Manufacturing companies in Zimbabwe and Water Suppliers & Purifiers in Zimbabwe

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