Maranatha Preparatory School is a registered school with the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, its doors opened in June 1996. It has been preparing children for primary, higher and tertiary education since 1996. It is a Christian environment from the name itself, “Maranatha” Hebrew name meaning “Jesus Christ is coming very soon”. That explains our logo, Him coming back in the clouds shining like the sun. We groom children from the ages of one and a half years up to twelve years old preparing them for higher and tertiary education. The work of our teachers and the lives of our students are shaped by our Mission Statement.
“Preparing children and offering quality services that leads to receive both material and spiritual blessings in line with the word of God bringing hope, prosperity and wisdom to the nation”. We are a school that promotes and honours hard work, creativity and generosity of spirit. Our curriculum provides an extraordinary array of academic, artistic, sporting and leadership opportunities for students. With our Christian background we continue providing the best for our students.
Maranatha is a school for all children countrywide. Our teachers, coaches, advisers, artists and scholars have chosen it for the quality programs, commitment to each teacher’s professional growth and standards up keeping. Together, we provide a challenging, transformative and nurturing school environment.
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