The Medical Laboratory and Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe was established according to section forty-nine of the constitution to regulate and monitor all medical facilities and companies.
Visited 6255 times, 3 Visits today
71 Suffolk Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 (4) 303348/334370
The Medical Laboratory and Clinical Scientists Council of Zimbabwe was established according to section forty-nine of the constitution to regulate and monitor all medical facilities and companies.
Visited 6255 times, 3 Visits today
Posted in Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Councils in Zimbabwe
[263] (4) 736666/7/8, 250107/8
45 Josiah Chinamano Avenue, Harare
Posted In Churches in Zimbabwe
+263 242 704 488
1 Van Praagh Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Associations in Zimbabwe
+263 772155629
Causeway Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Associations in Zimbabwe