We provide the best venue for all your events including conferences, general meetings and weddings.
Visited 3039 times, 2 Visits today
38 Hyde Park Rd, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
+263 (0) 9 240 221, +263 772 709 226 / 712 411458
We provide the best venue for all your events including conferences, general meetings and weddings.
Visited 3039 times, 2 Visits today
Posted in Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe and Conference Facilities in Zimbabwe
077 257 3022
90 Selous Road, Dunhu Ramambo, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe and Lodges in Zimbabwe
+263 777 516 171
Spurwing Island Lodge, Zimbabwe
Posted In Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe and Lodges in Zimbabwe
077 280 5610
54 Van Praagh Ave, Harare, Milton Park, Zimbabwe
Posted In Accommodation & Lodges in Zimbabwe and Guest Houses in Zimbabwe