Mukushi Seeds

123 Lomagundi Road, Mount Hampden, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 4335047, +263 7828 080 080

Mukushi Seeds provides these essentials to farmers at affordable prices. Our varieties have been developed and thoroughly tested in Zimbabwe for adaptation, farmer-acceptance and field performance. We promote conservation agriculture and professional farming so that farmers at any scale and situation can be productive and profitable. We also believe that since farming revolves around families, our activities should also promote happy and healthy family life. We therefore promote good products and wholesome farming practices in the family context. Thus, one of our key products is Quality Protein Maize, which provides farmers with improved nutrition for food and feed. In addition, we provide high-yielding and drought tolerant common maize varieties for all the agro-ecological zones of Zimbabwe. We sell our seed in bags according to seed count, because farmers plant seed, and they need to know exactly how much seed each bag contains, and what field area the bag will plant at a given spacing. Every seed counts, and every plant contributes to yield. We believe that farmers need to cultivate every seed and nurture every plant to achieve the highest productivity in each situation.

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Posted in Agriculture & Farming in Zimbabwe and Farms in Zimbabwe

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