Patsimeredu Edutainment Trust

68 McChlery Avenue South, Harare, Zimbabwe

(+263) (4) 776188 | (+263) (4) 776627

In a busy and target oriented working environment in Zimbabwe, employees and employers have limited access and knowledge of healthy behavior, general workplace wellness and Sexual reproductive health related issues. This then, adversely impacts employee’s ability to make empowered decisions relating to safer health practices, relationships and lifestyles. Regretably there is a huge unmet need for general workplace wellness, sexual reproductive health and rights as well as HIV and STIs.

The workplace project promotes and supports healthy behavior in the workplace, whilst advocating for improved employee health outcomes through awareness, education, and behavioral change. Holistically, the project looks at a comprehensive wellness program covering psycho social support, Non Communicable Diseases, financial, spiritual, environmental, physical wellness and HIV/AIDS, in order to achieve a work environment that promotes healthy lifestyles, decreases the risk of disease, and enhances the quality of life. This is done through employing a multifaceted, strategic approach to wellness, by exploring unique solutions to cater for employee health needs using theatre for development.

This entails an initial needs assessment and creating a tailored response to the needs of workers and employees, taking into account an organisations human resources plan.

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Posted in Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Associations in Zimbabwe

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