Private Hospitals Association of Zimbabwe

Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 (0242) 705011, +263 (0242) 251731

The Association was formed on 16th April 1996 following several Steering Committee Meetings attended by representitives from :

The Avenues Clinic 
St Anne’s Hospital 
Borradaile Hospital
Seventh Avenue Surgical Unit
Claybank Clinic 
Colin Saunders Hospital

These were the founder members.

The Association grew from strength to strength and now has some 47 members providing over 1500 beds.

The Association began to combine their Annual General Meeting with a Conference in the year 2000, which has since been held in this format annually with the exception of a few years during the times of austerity (2007-2009). 

The Association is governed by a Constitution.
The day to day affairs are performed by a secretariat office situated at the Avenues Clinic, guided by regular meetings of the Executinve Committee.

The Association also liaises with the Association of Health Care Funders of Zimbabwe (AHFoZ) by means of a joint PHAZ/AHFoZ Liaison Committee where matters of mutual interest are considered,, particularly tariff matters.

The Association also liaises with other organisationa as and when necessary.

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Posted in Clinics, Hospitals & Health Centres in Zimbabwe and Health & Medical Services in Zimbabwe

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