
331 Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe

(+263) 242 442645-7, (+263) 242 480484, (+263) 712 600245, (+263) 778 377055

Samansco was founded in 1982 to promote appropriate technologies and sustainable development in Southern Africa. The primary focus of the company has been renewable energy, with a specific focus on solar photovoltaic power (PV).

At Samansco, we are committed to the development of technologies appropriate for rugged African conditions. We support small scale solar companies, Governmental and Non-Governmental Organisations, working for a sustainable future. Our promise is to create solutions that will bring communities together through provision of solar power for households, offices and especially remote areas with the greatest needs.

Samansco’s growth and success has been a result of a dedication to this philosophy. Our industry experience is reflected in the careful consideration we take for the products we provide to our clients and partners we associate with.

With over 35 years in the industry, we have many stories to tell, come join us on our journey!

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Posted in Energy Solution Companies in Zimbabwe and Specialist Services in Zimbabwe

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