Silverback Asset Management Company (Private) Limited offers a unique and sensible alternative to many popular modern investments. Silverback’s investment offerings are not at all new, but in fact closely resemble the biblical times when movable and tradable wealth was stored in livestock, gold, silver and grain. Returning to the world’s original true currencies avoids the potential real wealth losses suffered through sentiment-based valuation of fiat currency denominated investments.
Silverback is an innovative, specialized asset management firm that focuses on investment products that hedge investors against inflation and preserve investment value through commodity based investments. At Silverback, investment is taken and immediately converted into units of a specific commodity, based on the world price of that commodity and the freely trading exchange rate of the investment currency on the day of investment. Each fund is backed by greater loans to successful companies producing that commodity, denominated in units of that same commodity. Because Silverback’s loans to the profitable commodity producing company are interest bearing, so too will investments into the funds earn an interest and grow in units of the commodity in addition to preserving real value.
Although several funds are envisioned, at this point, two funds are available to immediately receive limited investment.
Silverback’s ‘Mombe Mari Fund’ will receive and hold investment in the currency of ‘Kilograms of live cattle’.
The second available fund is the ‘Gold fund’ where Silverback is able to take investment in either the currency of ‘Kilograms of Gold’ or ‘Kilograms of Silver’
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