Software Developers Association (SDA) is the largest non-profit membership organization in Zimbabwe serving all individuals who create or develop softwares.
Visited 2026 times, 3 Visits today
6 Baines Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
+263 4 250489, +263 777 222 755
Software Developers Association (SDA) is the largest non-profit membership organization in Zimbabwe serving all individuals who create or develop softwares.
Visited 2026 times, 3 Visits today
Posted in Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Associations in Zimbabwe
04 224079, 263 4 707080 / 794425
Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Associations in Zimbabwe
+263 4 778 006; +263 4 778 096
4 Colenbrander Road/ Bishop Gaul Drive Milton Park Harare
Posted In Councils in Zimbabwe
+263 772940355
20 Julius Nyerere Way, Harare, Zimbabwe
Posted In Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Associations in Zimbabwe