At Strauss Logistics we know better than anyone what fuel means to the economy. In 2005 the Zimbabwean economy had no foreign currency, could not import oil and business was beginning to grind to a halt.
Many businesses were at risk and demand led to a huge growth in people and businesses entering the petroleum fuel market. This unprecedented growth came at a time when the country was beginning to experience high inflation followed by hyperinflation. The market became unregulated and many unscrupulous traders and transporters sought to take advantage of the lack of standards.
In early 2010, following the dollarization of the economy, Strauss saw an opportunity for a quality and standards driven company to enter the fuel trading and logistics market.
It was from this inspired measure that Strauss Logistics was born.
Today over 40% of African industry relies on petroleum. Without fuel it’s not just industry that falters. Life is disrupted too. The internet may be revolutionising the way we do business, but products still have to be delivered. People still have to travel to work. It’s at the centre of everything we make, or do. It’s vital to almost every industry – from agriculture, to transport, to medicine to tourism and leisure.
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