Tendai Biti Law Chambers

28 Rowland Square, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 4 251659/790 827

The law firm was established and started operating on the 18th of November 2013 from 28 Rowland Square, Milton Park, Harare.

The above premises are located a mere three (3) kilometres from the Harare Post Office but they offer a tranquil and peaceful environment away from the congested Central Business District and at the same time they have more than adequate parking for clients.


The vision of Tendai Biti Law, is to be the country’s premier constitutional and human rights service provider connected with the major international human rights law institutions and organisations whilst ensuring that the country as a whole has a competent world class legal dispensation.


Our mission is to provide world class cutting edge legal services on complex public and private law matters.
Tendai Biti Law, intends to and is already providing exceptionally solid and quality work and in this regard, seeks to capitalise on the expertise of its professional employees.
The firm is blessed with a thoroughly modern library and solid links in both Government, the Corporate World and International Financial Institutions such as the African Development Bank, the PTA Bank, COMESA, SADC, the World Bank, the IMF, the African Import and Export Bank, the Development Bank of Southern Africa, and the International Finance Corporation.

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Posted in Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Police Stations in Zimbabwe

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