The Houseplan Collection Magazine

Silundika House, 3rd Floor, Cnr first/ George Silundika Ave Harare

+263779 654 373 / +263773 388 680

The Houseplant Collection Magazine is an International Business. 

Being the best link between the supplier and the consumer in the construction industry, we, however, are the gurus in all types of home and commercial plans where you can download instantly complete drawing sets directly to your computer. We work with several Suppliers in the construction industry, as well as Architects, Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Realtors and Contractors. This helps us to bring you closer to the world of construction at the same time giving you the best and cheapest Home designs and other building documents specifically designed for Africa.

In as much as architecture seems everywhere, the truth is, architecture has not been presented to the public in a way that makes the general public understand it well. It is in this regard that we link every player in the construction industry with the consumers in the market to present the real value of architecture.

We have designs have been designed for clients based on their specific requirements and others which we have designed as collections for specific seasons times, however, some of the drawing sold here has already paid itself back by the time you get to download it meaning we are recycling the designs, which is legal by the way. All copyrights belong to the architects and/or building designer who designed the buildings, otherwise we would not be selling the drawings. The designs that we publish are only those that we have full rights to.

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Posted in Graphic Design Companies in Zimbabwe and Specialist Services in Zimbabwe

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