TSL Limited

28 Simon Mazorodze Road, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 772 131 302

We knew that the large labour force of growers in Zimbabwe starting with tobacco needed an incentive, a target to reach a supply chain that they could count on, this became our mission. To be the leading supplier of goods and services in the areas that mean the most to us and our clients.

Our ethos is about being at the coal face and interfacing with the customers to deliver a solution that is the very best of its kind. The mission was too big for one company, so we diversified and gave autonomy to each piece of the puzzle, our focus being on the three pillars that will sustain the group and the economy – Agriculture, Logistics and Real Estate. We are driven by the passion to make a positive difference not only to our clients, but to Zimbabwe and the region as a whole.

The Agriculture Cluster is to give more focus to our Agricultural operations. TSL provides agri-services through the provision of chemicals, packaging, agronomy services and a platform to sell your agricultural produce.

We believe in Growing Farming Generations
The Logistics Cluster is designed to enable seamless movement by simplifying complex logistics. With a presence in 5 cities across Zimbabwe, and the ability to handle multi-modal transport that allows us to ship heavy containers anywhere in the world. We lift, handle and export and do it in such a way it almost looks easy. Its whole lot more than just transport. Our business is to ensure we provide you with the most efficient route to market. It’s a total logistics solution.

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Posted in Agriculture & Farming in Zimbabwe and Farm Supplies in Zimbabwe

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