TV SALES & HOME brings you the widest range of the world’s leading brands of furniture and appliances at the very best prices. We have outlets throughout Zimbabwe for your shopping convenience. Our expert team of buyers travel the world to ensure that the products we source are not only the best quality available, but also the latest trends and designs so that we are always the market leaders in Zimbabwe.
TV Sales & Home is a member of the Innscor Africa Group of Companies. The company originally became a household name as TV Sales & Hire. The core business was, as the name suggests, the selling and hiring out of TV sets as well as a wide range of audio visual products and accessories.
In recent years the company expanded its offering to include a broader range of household goods and appliances which now includes fridges, freezers, washing machines, cookers, lounge suites, base & mattress sets, dining room suites, bedroom suites as well as the largest range of audio visual equipment in Zimbabwe. With this wider offering came a change in name to TV Sales & Home, a title much more representative of the role played in the current Zimbabwe market.
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