Twin Rivers School

Twin Rivers Primary School, Lincoln Road, Harare, Zimbabwe


+263 4 333701 / 334658 / +263 772 125 939

Twin Rivers School first opened in Eastlea in 1992, and moved to its current premises in Avondale in 1994. The Junior School has expanded over the years, with building projects such as the magnificently proportioned School Hall/Administration block, the Sports Pavilion, two swimming pools with grandstand, and four all weather tennis courts, not to mention the development of our sports fields.
We also have two boreholes and a generator capable of running the entire school.  In 2010 we built the Nursery School which opened in 2011 with four Grade Zero classes and last year a new block of classrooms was built to house the Music and Art departments, and an additional 4 classrooms were built above the existing Grade 7 block,  enabling the Progressive Learning department to expand.
We currently have 614 pupils and a total of 98 teaching, administration and ground staff. Our teachers are well-qualified, experienced and dedicated, and we have a large number of student teachers and gap year employees under them.
Our children are well received into ATS secondary schools where they have proved themselves and many have excelled.

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Posted in Primary Schools in Zimbabwe and Training & Educational Services in Zimbabwe

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