Victoria Twenty Two

22 Victoria Drive, Newlands, Harare, Zimbabwe

(0242) 776429, 0732222222 / 23, +263 733464646

It all started with a common passion for food and love for cooking that gave birth to this little gem. Fueled by the art of entertaining clients and the constant challenge of satisfying their palates. Victoria Twenty Two is driven by a unique due of mixed cultures and cuisines. Mark originating from Hamburg and his wife Manuela from Milan, Italy, have made it a family affair to establish Vic 22 into the entity it is today. After a magical 9 years working in the industry on the Diani Beach on the Mombasa Kenyan Coast in 1995 Mark and Manuela decided to move to Zimbabwe thus choosing the country of their future and to pursuing their dream. The location has been a key point to Victoria twenty-two’s identity. Located in the center of Newlands across 2 acres of immaculate garden in beautiful Colonial house, It just seemed a perfect choice. On a glorious sunny Wednesday in July 1996 Victoria Twenty Two opened her doors to the public.



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Posted in Bars & Night Clubs in Zimbabwe and Places & Entertainment in Zimbabwe

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