12 Adare Road, Harare, Zimbabwe

+263 779 714 905

ZARDA recognizes the following principles as fundamentals to the provision of care for people with dementia and for the support of their family members and caregivers.

Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias are progressive, incapacitating diseases of the brain that have a profound impact on persons with dementia and members of their families.

A person with dementia continues to be a person worthy of dignity, and thus deserves the same respect as any other human being.

people with dementia need a physically safe living environment and protection from exploitation.

People with dementia require up-to-date information. Anyone thought to have dementia needs prompt medical assessment and those with dementia require ongoing care and treatment oriented to maximizing their quality of life.

People with dementia should as far as possible participate in decisions affecting their daily lives and future care.

The family caregivers of a person with dementia should have their should have their needs assessed and provided for and should be enabled to take an active role in this process

Understanding the experience of living with dementia, especially from the perspectives of persons with dementia and of their carers, is vital to providing effective advocacy, care of good quality, and meaningful rehabilitation. Information, education and training on dementia, its effects and hot to provide care, must be available to all those involved in the assistance of people with dementia.

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Posted in Associations & NGOs in Zimbabwe and Associations in Zimbabwe

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